Academy Trusts have a prescribed governance structure comprising of Members, Trustees and Local Governing Bodies.
Here is the current governance structure of Kaleidoscope Multi-Academy Trust:
Here is the current governance structure of Kaleidoscope Multi-Academy Trust:
Members - determine the ethos and purpose of the Trust (i.e. the provision of education) and the way it will be governed (which are set out in the Articles of Association) and will have a right (not an obligation) to participate in governance by appointing and removing Trustees. They also have a right to receive the Trustees' annual report and accounts and to attend general meetings of the trust.
Our Members are: (Click on each name to find out more about our Members)
Resignations within the last year:
Our Members are: (Click on each name to find out more about our Members)
Resignations within the last year:
Trustees - are those people responsible for the carrying out of the business of the Trust. This will include Strategy, Financial stewardship and the Performance of all the schools in the MAT.
Our Trustees are:
- Jane Barry*
- Elizabeth Carrington-Porter
- John Clark
- Dr Tristan Cogan (Chair)
- Walter Lewis
- Clive Wilson*
Members & Trustees marked * also ensure that the Christian distinctiveness and values of the Church School continues to be a core part of all aspects of school life.
For more information - Click here to visit the website for the Diocese of Bath & Wells.
For more information - Click here to visit the website for the Diocese of Bath & Wells.
Companies House Link (search Kaleidoscope Multi-Academy Trust):
Resignations within the last year:
Lynda Gilbert - 31 July 2024
David Amos - 2 July 2024
Simon Marriott - 6 December 2023 (stepped down as a Trustee although remains in post as KMAT CEO).
Lynda Gilbert - 31 July 2024
David Amos - 2 July 2024
Simon Marriott - 6 December 2023 (stepped down as a Trustee although remains in post as KMAT CEO).
Local Governing Bodies (LGB's) - each of our schools will continue to have its own 'Local' Governing Body which will serve as a committee of the Trust Board. They will continue to monitor outcomes and the experiences for children at their schools, be involved in the school's strategic direction and review policies. Focus will be paid to the 4 S's: SEND, safeguarding, standards and stakeholder engagement.
Chairs Forum - is in addition to the above. This will consist of Chairs of Local Governing Bodies (or a governor representative) from each school. Their role will be to discuss MAT issues, liaise with the Local Governing Bodies and carry out some aspects of the MAT's work.
Church Schools Forum - Kaleidoscope celebrates and supports it Church School's visions, values and Christian distinctiveness. Specific Church School focus meetings take place over the year in partnership with key personnel, governance and foundation representatives. We also work in close partnership with the Diocese of Bath and Wells.